Wow facts - 2!!! How long can you stare without blinking your eyes???

Wow facts - 2!!!

          How long can you stare without blinking your eyes???

                        How long you can able to stare without blinking??? Have you tried it?? Just try it 1,2,3... relax please. But a guy named Michael Thomas owns the Guinness record for the longest staring duration. He didn't blinked his eyes for 1 hour and 5.61 seconds. One more fact is averagely we are spending around 5 years in our life time to close our eyes for blinking.... 

                        All you guys aware of the word Google, the worlds largest search engine. Whenever we want to search about anything we seek the help of google by typing on the search bar. Have you ever tried by typing "elgooG" in google search, that is mirror of Google??? Just try it, this will directs you to the google mirror site. Everything comes as mirror view in that. Have fun with your  friends by searching in Google mirror. 

                      Yaaaaawwwwnnnn...... all of us experienced it whenever we feel sleepy. Most of the time we tried to hide our yawn behind our palm. The duration of Yawn varies for each and everyone. But the average length of Yawn is 6 seconds. 

